Today I have a big announcement to make to you all! At least it’s a very big announcement in my book! To challenge myself in to doing new things, I committed to starting a project for this summer. Here goes nothing:

I will be doing a summer tour! To be exact: I’ll be doing a busking summer tour! I’ll be visiting a whole bunch of places in Holland to go stand in the streets and play for a crowd that never asked for music in the first place and let me tell you: That’s some scary shit peepz! I even came up with a name for the tour (a friend told me that a decent tour needs a proper name!). It will be called: Moon Spark’s – Feeling a bit Busky – Summer Tour 2016. I just realised the short has a nice ring to it: FABB – Summer Tour 😀

I have made a schedule that will have to do for now, it might not be the definite version cause there are like a thousand rules I need to consider and they all differ from place to place. I’m working my butt off to make sure it all fits in and will work nicely, let’s hope I won’t have to make any major changes!


Please feel absolutely free to express your opinion about this to me! I am so curious what you all think!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! Maybe I’ll even get to see some of you during my tour?!

With much love,

handtekening uit word


2 comments to “THE BIG SUMMER-SURPRISE IS… *drumroll*…”

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  1. Good luck! Looking foreward to see you here!

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