International Four Days Marches Festival – Vierdaagsefeesten – Zomerfeesten in Nijmegen

@ Europe’s biggest multi-day open festival which draws about 1.5 million visitors I had the amazing opportunity to play four different shows at three different locations! I just want to express my eternal gratitude to all the sweet people that believe in me and made this awesomeness a reality for me again this year! To […]

Who would have thought?! (FABB-tour Harderwijk and the rest of my crazy week)

Who would have thought?! I’m writing this blog a lot later then I intended to, simply cause of the fact I just really didn’t have any time to sit down and do it really. Hereby the update of my week!And what a week it’s been! Just incredible, amazing and crazy busy! First of all the […]

FINALLY I CAN SHOUT THIS OUT!!! ♥ ? ☆ Moon ☆ ? ♥

Peepz! This is very good news!!! Don’t forget to check it out!! I find my website officially finished enough to start sharing it everywhere! <3 I am secretly very proud of myself, since I did most of this all by myself! Let me know what you think please! ♥ ? ☆ Moon ☆ ? ♥


Dear and beautiful people, I am getting nervous again about my upcoming gigs. Eventhough there was officially never any reason to doubt if I can pull off a good show (or multiple shows in this case), I still get very nervous. Maybe the better word for the feeling should be insecure. I get insecure! The […]